Tithes & Generosity

As a church, we believe radical generosity is part of the way that God has called us to live our lives. Below is our giving liturgy that we recite weekly as a way of reminding ourselves that God is in charge of our finances.

  • Holy Father, you are a faithful provider, There is nothing I have that You have not given me.

    All I have and am belong to You, Bought with the blood of Jesus.

    To keep everything to myself, and to give without sacrifice to build my kingdom, is the way of the world that You cannot abide in.

    But generosity is the way of those who call Christ their Lord; who love Him with freed hearts, and serve Him with renewed minds;

    Who withstand the delusion of riches, whose hearts are in your kingdom and not in the systems of the world.

    I am determined to increase in generosity until it can be said that there is no need among us.

    I’m determined to be trustworthy, with such a little thing as money, that You may trust me with true riches.

    Above all, I am determined to be generous, because You, Father are generous. It is the delight of your daughters and sons, to share Your traits, and to show You to the world.

  • In the middle of Matthew 25, Jesus shares the "parable of the talents."

    Perhaps you are familiar with this popular scripture and with the praise and admonishment given to the different servants.

    The message is clear: God, our Master, gives to us out of his abundance, and desires us to steward his gifts in a way that brings increase.

    While financial investment into the ministry of The Square will surely not reap a financial gain, for you or the Lord, we are convicted and compelled to yield a spiritual return on all investment.

    The Square is accountable to Jesus and to all of our community to use the resources we are given for the glory of God and the furthering of his Kingdom on the earth. Thank you for your trust and investment through us.

    May we move forward together without fear, looking to the day when we hear the voice of our master inviting us to enter in his abundant joy.


Building Campaign

Take a look at the vision for our new home.